Optimisation of offshore operations

Optimisation of offshore operations

For downtime assessment / workability analyses of installation and maintenance operations we use analytical techniques including Sequenced Downtime Analysis and persistence analysis, giving information on expected job completion times and/or persistence non-exceedence chances (% of time good weather windows) based on the operational criteria (e.g. limiting wind and wave conditions).

Sequenced Downtime Analysis is a powerful analytical tool which uses our long-term hindcast data to examine operability and weather downtime on complex offshore projects.

Graphical and tabular outputs enable the user to understand project duration at differing levels of certainty, increase awareness of key milestones to minimize “knock on” slippage and compare annual and inter-annual results.

Analysis of operations

Analysing operations and evaluating processes allows companies to further optimise their future operations. Access to accurate metocean data is key to get a better grip on the effects of weather on operations / vessel performance.

Data APIs are provided which allow easy access to our metocean datasets. It allows clients to retrieve the historical nowcast / hindcast information for a specified location or along a ship track. The API will return the metocean conditions for the specified location or ship track for further in-house analysis.

When required we can also perform vessel performance and/or behaviour analyses.


Services for support of offshore operations:

  • Site-specific environmental information and climate summaries
  • Weather and marine forecasting services
  • Ambient and extreme metocean statistics for operations and construction
  • Workability analysis
  • Operational downtime estimates – persistence exceedence and non-exceedence
  • Ship routing & route analysis
  • Wind, wave, current and tidal modelling and data services
  • Oil spill trajectory and plume studies

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